As a Secondary School Program student, you’ll have a team of friendly faces to welcome you and offer support along the way. Meet this year’s cohort leaders and learn what they’re looking forward to this summer.

Samantha Berman – Resident Dean

Samantha Berman.

I am excited to be back for my second year with the SSP team! I’ll be traveling from Honolulu, where I live and teach high school computer science during the academic year. I earned a B.A. and an M.Ed. from Harvard, and I love returning to spend the summer in this amazing community.

This summer, I am particularly looking forward to our talent show. The SSP proctors did a fantastic job putting the show together last year, and students came out en masse to cheer for their friends and classmates. I can’t wait to see the talent in this year’s student body!

For students attending classes on campus: take advantage of the in-person and residential aspects of your experience this summer! You have so many interesting people and resources to learn about; consider how reaching out to your peers and advisors can enrich your learning beyond what is the syllabi for your courses. Participating in SSP events and exploring the spaces and tools that Harvard’s campus has to offer is a great way to connect with new friends and classmates.

My hope for my cohort this summer is that each person can look back and point to a moment when they learned from stepping outside of their comfort zone. An SSP summer is ripe with opportunity for academic, social, and personal growth, and the summer staff is ready to help each person navigate those defining moments.

Bridget Keegan – Resident Dean

Bridget Keegan

This is my fourth year as a resident dean with the Harvard Secondary School Program. I hold a bachelor’s degree in molecular and cellular biology from Harvard College and a master’s degree in education from Harvard Graduate School of Education. I’m a high school science teacher and I enjoy reading, concerts, theater, pickleball, and traveling! I have taught in China, Spain, Boston, and New York. 

I am looking forward to the SSP Talent Show! The SSP Talent Show is a wonderful evening that brings the SSP community together and showcases the diverse talents, interests, and backgrounds within our community!

Get to know your professors, resident deans, and the resources available to you — we’re here for you! Perhaps your instructor is doing what you want to do someday — learn about the path they took to get to where they are. College coursework can be a large adjustment from high school classes — take advantage of advising and tutoring.

Keith Moon – Associate Dean

Keith Moon.

I have a B.A. in Russian Language and Literature from Dartmouth College and an A.M. from Harvard in Russian Area Studies. I also have had twin careers at the Harvard Summer School since 1988 and have served as a proctor, assistant dean, and now associate dean at the Summer School and Secondary School Program. I now oversee SSP’s college counseling program.

My advice for SSP students is to keep on track: find courses that will challenge the mind. Talk with people who understand colleges and applications and continue the search for the appropriate next educational experience. Continue to explore the interest and passions that have made students who they are. I hope our students will explore Cambridge and Boston all summer and I look forward to meeting as many of our students as possible!

Devina Nursyah – Resident Dean


I’m most excited about the opportunity to connect with students from diverse backgrounds and cultures and to be a part of their journeys at Harvard Summer School. I find it rewarding to help individuals as they navigate their paths this summer.

My advice would be to embrace every opportunity with an open mind. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone, try new things, and forge new friendships. Whether it’s engaging in a new activity, striking up a conversation with someone from a different background, or simply exploring the surroundings, embracing new experiences will enrich your time and create lasting memories.

My goal is to foster a sense of community where everyone feels heard, valued, and supported. I hope to create an environment where students can truly thrive personally and socially. This means taking the time to get to know each individual on a personal level, understanding their aspirations, challenges, and interests, and providing the necessary support and guidance to help them succeed.

Ben Porteous – Resident Dean

Ben Porteous.

I graduated from Harvard College in 2022, and from Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences in 2024, studying Chinese history and philosophy. Outside of Harvard Summer School, I will start work in the fall as an instructor in the Chinese Language program of the Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations. My wife Polina and I live on campus as proctors with the First Year Experience Office of Harvard College. 

I am most looking forward to seeing students gain exposure to the dynamic life of a world-class research university’s campus. Harvard education is so much more than the classes. Be sure to visit and use museums, and especially the university’s wonderful library system — the largest private library network in the world, with collections in most written languages, including a dazzling Chinese collection!

I hope students can benefit from rigorous engagement with their chosen subject areas and from engaging conversation and interaction with each other.

Jordan Watkins – Resident Dean

Hi, I am Jordan Watkins, a Birmingham Alabama native. My background includes an Associate’s in Business Administration, a bachelors in Accounting, and a Masters in Higher Education Administration. I’ve had the pleasure of Founding the Empowering Educators Conference at The University of Alabama, which has matured into a pipeline program; become a fellow of the Gandhi- King Scholarly Exchange Initiative, spending two weeks in India; and this time last year I was preparing to spend my summer in Washington, D.C., for my internship on Capitol Hill. I am elated to be spending my summer as a Harvard Secondary School Program Residential Dean and prioritizing youth development by way of education and empowerment. 

This summer I am excited to experience a new city. I’ve been to Boston a couple of times but only for the length of 3-4 days. At Harvard, I’m eager to tackle new challenges, cultivate enriching relationships within students and peers as well as strengthen my leadership and expand my understanding of students’ perspectives. During the summer, I aim to empower students to take a chance on themselves, lead with confidence and steward this opportunity and this summer well. 

I would recommend students first to brainstorm their future destination and begin mapping out steps to how this program can be a vehicle for assisting them in achieving that reality. Students should look for opportunities to align themselves with people and practices that will get them closer to their goals, identify their weaknesses and work towards making them strengths, practice stepping outside of their comfort zone by interacting with the entirety of their cohort daily, and look for creative opportunities to collaborate with professors, proctors, and residential deans. 

Over the course of this summer I hope my cohort taps into the innovative and transformative camaraderie of community and belonging. Knowing that you are supported, heard, and capable is truly invaluable, and  every student deserves a leader, mentor, and/or role model who refuses to allow them to give up on themselves.

Jodie Yue – Resident Dean for Online Student Support

Jodie Yue.

I am a Master of Education student at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. This will be my first summer in the role of Resident Dean in the Secondary School Program. With a background in educational management, I have spent the past five years as the Director of Admissions for international schools in British Columbia, Canada.

Throughout my career, I have been deeply committed to fostering an inclusive educational environment. I believe that creating a sense of belonging is essential for student success and overall well-being. As an RD, I am dedicated to implementing strategies that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion, both in the online cohort and across the SSP community. I am excited to collaborate with students, faculty, and staff to cultivate a learning environment where everyone has the opportunity to thrive and reach their full potential.

This summer at HSS, I am most looking forward to cultivating a vibrant and inclusive online community for the students in the SSP. I am excited to harness the power of technology to foster meaningful connections, facilitate collaboration, and provide support for student success. Additionally, I am thrilled about the diversity of the online student community, with students joining from various parts of the world. The diversity of students’ backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives will enrich our online discussions, broaden our horizons, and create a global learning experience.