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Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment Policy and Resources

The Summer School has adopted the University-wide Interim Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy and Interim Other Sexual Misconduct Policy. In addition, the University’s Sexual and Gender Based Harassment policy addresses sexual harassment and other sexual misconduct alleged to have occurred between September 1, 2014 and August 14, 2020. You may access copies of all policies and their associated grievance procedures

In all such cases, the Harvard University Office for Dispute Resolution (“ODR”) and the Harvard University Title IX Office are responsible for implementing the University’s grievance procedures, which will determine whether a student committed a policy violation. Whenever a formal complaint of sexual harassment or other sexual misconduct is investigated and the University’s grievance procedures result in a finding that a policy violation has occurred, the Ad Board must accept that finding as final and non-reviewable. The only opportunity to appeal the determination of a policy violation is provided within the grievance procedures implemented by the ODR and the Harvard University Title IX Office. Appeals within the Division of Continuing Education pertain only to the decision of the Ad Board in determining discipline.

Using the Anonymous Disclosure Form

This anonymous disclosure form is only available to current students, staff, and faculty at Harvard. In order to verify that you are affiliated with Harvard, you will be asked to log in via HarvardKey. Then, you will be redirected to the disclosure form which is hosted by an independent, third-party vendor who provides secure, anonymous reporting services. The vendor is contractually committed to preserve your anonymity and not to pursue your identity.

If you do not have a HarvardKey or are unable to use the anonymous reporting form for any reason, you may still anonymously submit a disclosure to the Title IX Office. To do so by phone, you may call the Harvard Title IX Office at (617) 496-0200 from a blocked number and withhold your name when you speak with one of our staff. Or, you may email the Title IX Office at from an email address that does not contain personally identifying information. You may share as much or as little information as you feel comfortable.

For a list of all options available to you, including confidential resources, visit Your Options.

Where Can I Get Help?

The Summer School is committed to helping anyone who has experienced sexual harassment or other sexual misconduct, to access the wide variety of resources available at Harvard and elsewhere.  Some of the resources listed below will be able to keep your information private, but they may have to share your information with those responsible for stopping or preventing sexual harassment or other sexual misconduct on campus.  Before speaking with someone, make sure that you understand whether they can assure you confidentiality, or how they will keep your information private.

Private Resources

These people will keep your information as private as possible, meaning that they will only share it with those who have a need-to-know. For example, they may need to disclose what you tell them to the appropriate Title IX Resource Coordinator, that is, the person responsible for addressing sexual harassment and other sexual misconduct within the Harvard community. The Title IX Resource Coordinator also will handle your information carefully, maintaining as much privacy as possible.

Confidential Resources

These people are designated by Harvard as confidential and do not need to notify a Title IX Resource Coordinator when they learn about potential incidents of sexual harassment or other sexual misconduct.  However, they may be required to reveal information that was shared with them in a criminal or other external proceeding.

Deans, Advisors, Faculty Members, Campus Administrators, Coaches, and Residential Life Staff

These are considered “responsible employees” and protect privacy but must share information with a Title IX Resource Coordinator or the Title IX Office when they learn of concerns of sexual harassment  and/or other sexual misconduct.

Title University Title IX Coordinator and Local Title IX Resource Coordinators

The Summer School Title IX Resource coordinators and staff within the University Title IX Office can speak with you about your options, support services, and how to file a formal complaint.  They, too, will handle your information carefully, maintaining as much privacy as possible, but may need to share it with those who have a need-to-know.

Medical Professionals, Social Workers, Rape-Crisis Counselors, and Clergy

Medical professionals at Harvard include licensed clinicians at Harvard University Health Services (HUHS) and the University Mental Health Services. These professionals have certain standards of confidentiality. Similarly, sexual assault counselors and domestic violence counselors, including counselors operating under a clinical license at the Office of Sexual Assault Prevention & Response (OSAPR), have certain confidentiality standards. Sexual assault and domestic violence counselors are also available at the Boston Area Rape Crisis Center (BARCC). BARCC also coordinates counseling and legal assistance resources. Harvard clergy providing religious or spiritual advice or comfort also have certain standards of confidentiality.

In all instances, it is always best to first have a conversation about keeping information private or confidential, and what both of those mean in regards to your conversation with the professional.

Your Title IX Resource Coordinator or OSAPR staff can let you know of other available resources when you meet. Additional resource information can also be found in the Title IX Resource Guide.

If you or a friend have recently experienced rape or sexual assault

  • Get to a safe place as soon as possible.
  • Ask a friend or someone else you trust to be with you.

For additional support and referral for medical care, consider contacting one of the following organizations. Please note that Sexual Assault Nurse Examinations (i.e. forensic evidence collection and related medical care) can be conducted at SANE-designated hospitals up to 120 hours, or 5 days, following an incident of sexual assault, including rape:

Working With the Police

If you have experienced sexual violence or other sexual harassment that you believe may rise to the level of a violation of criminal law, you may also make a report to HUPD. All HUPD officers are qualified to handle crimes of a sensitive nature. In addition, HUPD offers the Rape Aggression Defense (RAD) system, which is a free program dedicated to teaching hands-on defense training. More information is available on the HUPD website.

It is never too late to tell someone. You may contact any of the above resources at any time. If you have been sexually harassed, you deserve and will receive support.

What Happens Next?

If you are experiencing harassment and would like assistance in deciding a course of action, you may talk to the resources listed in this brochure. Designated Title IX Resource Coordinators can help arrange supportive measures to allow an individual to continue with studies or work and take advantage of all that Harvard has to offer; facilitate access to confidential resources; facilitate informal resolution, as appropriate; and provide information about the formal complaint process. Information about filing a formal complaint can be found on the University Title IX website.

In addition, in cases of sexual violence or potential criminal violations, the University strongly encourages students to consider reporting the assault to the police and filing charges with the Office of the District Attorney of Middlesex County. Advice on the legal options and process is available from the Victim/Witness Bureau listed in this brochure; OSAPR staff, or HUPD can assist you in contacting them.

Your Title IX Resource Coordinators

For Students

Shirley Greene
Senior Associate Dean of Student Affairs
Title IX Resource Coordinator for Students
51 Brattle Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
(617) 998-8557

For Faculty (and Instructional Staff)

Karen Flood
Associate Dean, Harvard Summer School
Title IX Resource Coordinator for Faculty
51 Brattle Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
(617) 998-1133

Mark Lax
Director of Academic Administration
Title IX Resource Coordinator for Instructional Staff, Division of Continuing Education
51 Brattle Street
Cambridge, MA 02138

For Staff

Danielle Farrell
Program Officer for Nondiscrimination and Professional Conduct
Title IX Resource Coordinator for Staff
University Hall, 4th Floor, Harvard Yard
1414 Massachusetts Avenue, 4th Floor
Cambridge, MA 02138
(617) 495-0321

Pamela Galowitz
Program Officer for Nondiscrimination and Professional Conduct
Title IX Resource Coordinator for Staff
University Hall, 4th Floor, Harvard Yard
1414 Massachusetts Avenue, 4th Floor
Cambridge, MA 02138
(617) 496-5663

University Services

Office for Dispute Resolution (ODR)
(617) 495-3786

Office of Sexual Assault Prevention & Response (OSAPR)
(617) 496 5636
24 Hour Hotline: (617) 495-9100

Counseling and Mental Health Services (CAMHS)
(617) 495-2042

Harvard University Health Services (HUHS)
(617) 495-5711

Harvard Chaplains
(617) 495-5529

Harvard University Police Department (HUPD)
(617) 495-1212

Community Resources

Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center’s Rape Crisis Intervention Center
(617) 667-8141

Boston Area Rape Crisis Center (BARCC)
(617) 492-8306 or 1-800-841-8371 (24 Hour Hotline)

Cambridge Police Department Sexual Assault Unit
(617) 349-9342

Cambridge Hospital Victims of Violence Program
(617) 591-6360

Middlesex District Attorney Victim/Witness Bureau
(781) 897-8490

Victim Rights Law Center
(617) 399-6720