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For Admitted Students

Congratulations on your acceptance to a Harvard Summer School study abroad program. We hope you are looking forward to a summer of focused study and invigorating exploration.

Key Dates

A list of summer term key dates for students by program will be posted here in the spring.

Study Abroad Key Dates & Deadlines2025 Dates
All admissions decisions available via online applicationMarch 7
Deadline for admitted and waitlisted students to accept or decline offer via online application systemMarch 12
Admitted and confirmed students registered into study abroad coursesMarch 20
Study Abroad pre-departure requirements dueApril 8
Study Abroad tuition payment deadline – pay your balance in full by this date; if you do not, you risk being dropped from your coursesApril 8
Harvard Summer School accommodations request deadlineApril 8
Last day to drop courses for 100% tuition refund1st day of the study abroad program

If you find that you are unable to attend the program on or before the first day of the program, please contact your Program Director and Harvard Summer School as soon as possible to adjust your enrollment status. If the status of your enrollment changes and you need to drop or withdraw from a program, please complete the following steps:

Predeparture Requirements

You are required to complete all the steps and tasks listed on this page before you depart for your study abroad program. Be sure to also explore the resources listed here to help you stay safe and healthy while abroad. 

Log into your online application to view your offer of admission to the program

Please review carefully all information and requirements noted in the online application acceptance letter and in the welcome email you received from Harvard Summer School. Please be sure to check your email messages for communications from Once you have reviewed all information, please accept or decline your spot in the program no later than March 12 by clicking the “Reply to Offer” button in your online application located below your offer of admission.

Access your Harvard Summer School MyDCE account

MyDCE is the student portal where you will complete key post-acceptance requirements. You can access MyDCE by clicking here and selecting the option to login with your HarvardKey or, if you do not have one, to create a MyDCE key. MyDCE will enable you to update your personal contact information, view your course enrollment status, pay your tuition, and view course grades. Be sure to update your contact information in MyDCE if these change prior to your program start date; you can do this by clicking on the icon in the upper-right corner of your account, selecting “My Profile,” clicking the “Contact Information” section, entering your updated information, and then clicking the “Save” button.

Submit a Harvard Summer School Conditions of Participation and Assumption of Risk and General Release Form

Submit a completed Health Clearance Packet to HUHS or your primary care physician for review and clearance

  • Your Health Clearance must be received by April 8. See p.1 of the Health Clearance Packet for detailed directions.
  • Review the International SOS country report for your program destination.
  • Failure to submit the Health Clearance Packet will result in your removal from the program. As part of the health clearance process, students who do not receive health clearance will not be approved, may be dismissed from, or may be otherwise told to discontinue their Harvard travel plans.

If you are in need of accommodations, contact the Accessibility Services Office as soon as possible

Refer to the Accommodations page of the website for more information.

Submit a Media Release Form

The Media Release Form is due on April 8.

Complete a mandatory Harvard Global Support Services (GSS) online orientation

The online orientation covers important health and safety measures, and can be accessed here. Plan 45 to 60 minutes to watch in one sitting or across multiple sessions. The online orientation must be completed by April 8. Follow along with the Student Travel Checklist.

  • Note: This orientation requires login with a HarvardKey. Non-Harvard students will receive HarvardKey information in early April.

Pay your study abroad program tuition

  • Full payment is due on April 8.
  • To submit a payment, log in to your MyDCE account and select Financial Services from the home page. On the homepage of the finance portal, click on the green Make Payment button. Follow the steps to complete your payment.  After you pay, you will be sent a confirmation email.
  • If you are a Harvard College student who is receiving an award from MCS, note that your award will be automatically transferred to the Summer School.
  • See Payment Options for information on how to add an authorized user who can view your account and make payments on your behalf

Update your travel record in the International SOS MyTrips system

  • The Harvard Summer School Study Abroad Office will enter your upcoming travel in the MyTrips system by late April. After you receive confirmation of this via email, you are required to update your itinerary in the MyTrips system so that the University and International SOS can locate you and provide assistance in an emergency. To do this, you should create a “New Trip” in your account and enter your flight details, local phone number, and other relevant information.
  • You are also required to update your registration throughout your trip if necessary (e.g., your local cell phone number, changed travel plans, any overnight travel, and changes to your contact information), so that Harvard can quickly locate and communicate with you in the event of an emergency.
  • You are also encouraged to download the International SOS Assistance App. You can register your side trips and update your itineraries, read country and city guides, sign up for security alerts, check-in to temporarily update and share your location, and call for help from Harvard’s 24/7 emergency medical, mental health, and security hotline, or chat with a case manager from within the app.

Ensure that you have a valid passport

  • All students, regardless of citizenship, traveling outside the United States need a passport both to leave and to reenter the U.S. U.S. citizens who do not have a passport must obtain one through an application process. The U.S. Department of State provides detailed information about how to apply for or renew a passport. Students applying for a passport should start the process well in advance of their planned departure dates. Students should also keep in mind that obtaining a visa (see below) requires a passport, and should allow ample time to obtain all necessary documents and authorizations.
  • If you have a passport, be sure to check the expiration date. For many countries, your passport must be valid at least 6 months beyond the last day you plan to be in the country. If your passport expires before that date, it must be renewed.

If necessary, obtain a visa

  • A visa is an endorsement on a passport indicating that the holder is allowed to enter, leave, or stay for a specified period of time in a country. You are responsible for learning the visa requirements of your destination based on your citizenship and for obtaining your own visa should one be required.  For many (but not all) countries, U.S. citizens do not require a visa for stays less than 90 days.
  • Each country’s visa requirements are different and depend on your citizenship, reason for travel, length of stay, and number of entries required. Be sure that you understand your destinations’ requirements and apply early to avoid delays or disruptions in your travel.
  • Visa application requirements vary by country as well as the purpose of the visit, so you should look carefully at the requirements for your planned destination. The U.S. Department of State maintains a list of countries with country-specific information, including entry/exit requirements.
  • If you are required to show proof of enrollment, contact for a letter. Visa appointments at local consulates are often limited, and it is essential that you solicit and gather all necessary documentation, including Summer School letters, as quickly as possible upon admission to your program.
  • Review important visa considerations — and helpful links — on the Harvard Global Support Services (GSS) website.

Complete any program-specific requirements

Your Program Director will inform you of any program-specific requirements.

Review Harvard Summer School Study Abroad policies and safety information

All students are responsible for knowing and adhering to Harvard Summer School regulations. You should also be familiar with Harvard Summer School general policies for study abroad programs.

Review the Harvard Summer School Student Handbook

Review the Harvard Summer School Student Handbook. While the resources and activities will vary at each locale, the rules and policies described in the sections “Academic Policies” and “Student Conduct” apply to participants in all Harvard Summer School programs.

Learn about the Harvard University Title IX Office

Harvard Summer School takes sexual and gender harassment extremely seriously. Learn about the Harvard University Title IX Office and Harvard Summer School’s policies on sexual and gender harassment.

Frequently Asked Questions

What steps should I take to plan for the summer if I’m accepted to a program?

Explore the resources listed on this webpage and travel advice available from Harvard Global Support Services to help you stay safe and healthy while abroad.

Can I travel during the program?

While the program is in session, personal travel outside of the program country will not be allowed without the written permission of the Program Director.

Do academic accommodations transfer from Harvard College?

Harvard College is separate from Harvard Summer School; therefore, you will need to register with our Accessibility Services Office (ASO) to receive academic accommodations.

Where can I find syllabi for my program courses?

Please contact your Program Director for course syllabi.

Can I take a Study Abroad course pass/fail?

Only Harvard College undergraduates may take courses on a pass/fail basis, and only certain Study Abroad courses may be taken pass/fail. Requests for the pass/fail option must be submitted by the seventh calendar day of your course. The pass/fail request form should be submitted directly to Academic Services ( Students will receive confirmation once the form is received and processed. If you wish to request the pass/fail option, first consult the Harvard College Handbook for Students for information on the number of pass/fail courses that can be counted toward your degree. Once the request has been submitted and updates made to your course, you will not be able to revert to a letter grade option.

Do my study abroad course grades transfer to Harvard College?

Yes; credit and grades will automatically transfer to Harvard College at the end of the summer.

What if I need medical care or need to go to a hospital?

International SOS provides 24/7 medical, mental health, and security support and evacuation services to Harvard Summer School Study Abroad students. During or after an incident abroad, you can contact International SOS by phone at +1-617-998-0000 or by starting a call or chat from within the Assistance App.

Please note that your automatic coverage under International SOS is not intended as a replacement for comprehensive health insurance. It is your responsibility to retain your own insurance policy, to understand its terms, and if necessary, to file for reimbursement according to your policy protocols for any medical care you receive while abroad.

Harvard Global Support Services (GSS)

Our security consultants at Harvard Global Support Services (GSS) continually monitor and make recommendations to Harvard Summer School programs regarding current travel risk levels and situations around the world. Traveling abroad can be deeply rewarding for students. It also requires careful planning, even for seasoned travelers. Harvard Global Support Services (GSS) provides resources related to safety and security, health, culture, and outbound immigration to inform your pre-departure planning and help you stay safe while abroad. Visit the GSS website and select “Get Started” to view a list of important reminders and steps for before you leave and while traveling.

International SOS

International SOS provides 24/7 medical, mental health, and security support and evacuation services to students enrolled in any Harvard Summer School study abroad program. To expedite access to these services, it is vital that you register your trip with International SOS before you leave — either through the MyTrips system or the Assistance App. To do this, you should create a “New Trip” in your account and enter your flight details, local phone number, and other relevant information.

While abroad, Harvard Summer School study abroad participants can contact International SOS for medical, mental health, and security assistance by calling +1-617-998-0000 or connecting through the Assistance App.

Case managers will advise you on your situation and work with our international safety & security team to connect you with appropriate resources. Review the full list of medical, mental health, security, and travel assistance services.

The International SOS member portal and Assistance App also include country-specific information that may be helpful before you leave and while you’re away.

Health Insurance

Students must retain their existing health insurance. Students are advised to become familiar with their health insurance provider provisions and to understand the process for making claims from abroad. If out-of pocket medical expenses are incurred, the provider will indicate applicable reimbursement policies and procedures.

Harvard Summer School study abroad students are automatically enrolled in a blanket study/travel abroad accident and sickness insurance policy.  If you need to obtain emergency medical care outside of the United States, be sure to communicate with International SOS by calling +1-617-998-0000 or connecting through the Assistance App. This accident and sickness insurance policy is not a replacement for your required health insurance — it is a supplemental policy. Here is a link to your International SOS 24/7 Assistance ID card.

To obtain a verification of coverage letter for this accident and sickness insurance policy, please complete an online request form via Harvard Global Support Services (GSS).  

Learn more about insurance requirements while abroad.

Additional Resources

Harvard Global Support Services

CDC International Travel Guidance

U.S. Department of State Country Information

HSS Study Abroad Policies & Safety


Contact us at:

Harvard Summer School
Study Abroad Programs
51 Brattle Street
Cambridge, MA 02138-3722 USA