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Harvard Summer Program in Seoul, Korea

Learn Korean language and explore the richness of modern Korean culture and history.

  • Program Director

    Hi-Sun Helen Kim

  • Date

    June 26, 2025 to August 19, 2025

  • Apply By

    January 30, 2025

  • Cost


  • Housing


About the Program

Seoul provides a stunning venue for you to combine Korean language study with exploration of Korea’s role in global events and processes during the 20th and 21st centuries.

Program Structure

Classes take place at Ewha Womans University in Seoul and are combined with frequent excursions throughout the city.

This program counts as two semester-long courses (4 credits each) of degree credit. KORE S-Ba can be counted as 4 credits toward the foreign language requirement. The program has no course prerequisites.

KORE S-BA Study Abroad in Korea: Elementary Korean I

Hi-Sun Helen Kim, PhD, Director of the Korean Language Program and Senior Preceptor in East Asian Languages and Civilizations, Harvard University
4 credits
UN Limited enrollment.

This introductory course is designed to provide beginners with a solid foundation in modern Korean language and culture. It focuses on the balanced development of interpersonal (communicating), interpretive (listening and reading comprehension), and presentational (formal speech and writing) skills. Students begin by learning the complete Korean writing system (Hangul) and then focus on basic conversational skills and grammatical structures. In addition, students are exposed to everyday life contexts (for example, language use and culture) likely to be encountered in contemporary Korean society.

KORE S-120A Study Abroad in Korea: Intermediate Korean

Hi-Sun Helen Kim, PhD, Director of the Korean Language Program and Senior Preceptor in East Asian Languages and Civilizations, Harvard University
4 credits
UN Limited enrollment.

KORE S-120a is designed for students who have already taken elementary Korean (Ba and Bb) or students who have an equivalent proficiency level. This course aims to increase their ability to communicate in Korean in a wide range of daily life situations with an equal focus on expanding their knowledge of the fundamental grammar of Korean. Students are introduced to reading materials of increasing complexity on a variety of topics in modern Korean society and culture.

KORE S-130A Study Abroad in Korea: Pre-Advanced Korean

Kyoungwon Oh, MA, Preceptor in East Asian Languages and Civilizations, Harvard University
4 credits
UN Limited enrollment.

KORE S-130a is the first half of the pre-advanced course and is designed for students who have completed Intermediate Korean 120a and b or have the equivalent proficiency level. Students consolidate previously learned grammatical patterns and vocabulary through written and audio-visual materials on a variety of topics. Emphasis is placed on developing abilities to present opinions and elaborate on ideas through discussion and writing.

KORE S-140a Study Abroad in Korea: Advanced Korean

Hi-Sun Helen Kim, PhD, Director of the Korean Language Program and Senior Preceptor in East Asian Languages and Civilizations, Harvard University
4 credits
UN Limited enrollment.

This course is designed to provide students with greater reading skills and sociocultural knowledge of Korean beyond the high-intermediate level. They develop skills in reading authentic materials from contemporary Korean media and fiction, and aural comprehension of contemporary television documentaries, news, and drama with decreased reliance on pedagogical aids. The course also aims to enhance their speaking and writing skills to discuss various issues of modern Korean society and culture.

ANTH S-1729 Study Abroad in Korea: Global Korea

Nicholas Harkness PhD,  Modern Korean Economy and Society  Professor of Anthropology,  Harvard University
4 credits
UN Limited Enrollment.

Global Korea will explore Korea’s role in global events and processes during the 20th and 21st Centuries. Topics will include (i) Empire, Colony, Modernity; (ii) Hot War, Cold War, and the Developmental State; (iii) Division, Migration, and Urbanization; (iv) Business, Technology, and the Culture Industry. The course will ground readings and discussion about these global processes through immersive, engaging experiences in Seoul and throughout South Korea. We combine readings in anthropology, history, sociology, and various humanistic fields with ethnographic research approaches to develop a multidimensional and multisensory account of Global Korea.

Where You'll Live and Study

Seoul is a rapidly changing capital that provides a stunning venue for exploring distinctive features of Korean culture, present, and past.


You stay in coed dormitories at Ewha Womans University in Seoul. Accommodations include breakfast.


To apply, you must:

  • Be at least 18 years old
  • Have completed at least one year of college or be a first-year student
  • Be in good academic standing

Students enrolled at any accredited university are welcome to apply. See the How to Apply page for more information.

The Summer 2025 application is now closed. All admissions decisions will be released on March 7.

Each program has unique requirements included in the online application. Beginning your application early is the best way to ensure that you have sufficient time to review and complete the application requirements by the deadline.

You may apply to no more than two programs; if applying to two programs, you will be asked to rank your two applications in order of preference (first and second choice). Any applications submitted in excess of the maximum of two will be automatically withdrawn. You will be notified of your admissions status in each program in early March.
A complete online application includes:

  • Basic personal information
  • A statement of interest
  • Your most recent transcript
  • Program-specific requirements (if applicable; may include letters of recommendation, etc.)

Interviews may be requested at the discretion of the program.

Be sure to read about the funding options available for Harvard Summer School Study Abroad programs.

If you have questions about the application, please contact the Harvard Summer School Study Abroad Office by email at

Cost & Expenses

The program fee includes:

  • Tuition
  • Accommodations
  • Scheduled program activities
  • Some meals (the program will provide further details)

You will also need to budget for a number of expenses not covered by the program fee. The amounts listed below for these out-of-pocket expenses are approximate, and you may incur additional expenses not noted here. Your actual expenses will depend on a number of factors, including personal spending habits and currency exchange rates. Note that expense categories — especially airfare — may be subject to significant fluctuations.

  • International airfare ($2,000–$2,400)
  • Ground transportation ($200)
  • Meals ($1,500)
  • Personal expenditures, communications, course materials, and miscellaneous ($1,200)

If you have specific questions about personal budgeting, please contact the program directly.

See Funding and Payment for information on how to submit payments and funding options.

Additional Information